TokiCMS v0.1 beta2

Posted by admin

Finally, after a few months of actively development, today TokiCMS v0.1 beta2 has been released.

Here are some of the features of this initial release:

Admin panel. You can change Admin URL.
Markdown and HTML editor. You can choose which editor you want.
Multi sites support. You can connect and control completely independent TokiCMS sites, even those on different hosts and servers.
Categorization with tags
Multilingual. You can create a multilingual site and translate posts, pages, categories, post tags and menus.
Multiple Blogs. You can create multiple blogs on one TokiCMS website. Each blog can have its own theme and categories (tags are global).
Static pages as frontpage
Meta canonical, description, and rich snippets for SEO
Author page
Multi author support.
Membership & Content Restriction. Ypu can create user roles and restrict content on your website. This gives you full control over who can and who cannot view or create content on your TokiCMS site.
Built-in search
Related posts
Per post navigation (previous and next post)
Easy theming. Themes can have their own function file and settings.
API with multiple access levels
RSS Feed
Sitemap.xml with Google News sitemap support.
SEO friendly URL

And many more. Online demo coming soon.